19 November 2013

Research of Film Posters - Fish Tank (Jarrad)

Fish Tank (2009):

This is the film poster for a short film called "Fish Tank". The film is about a girl whose life is changed when her mum brings home a new boyfriend. 

Names of actors/actresses:

There are three actors and actresses on the film poster. They are fairly understated or not easily identifiable on the poster. The first name from these three - Katie Jarvis - is the actress of the main character who is seen on the poster.

Main text vs. Image:

The main text is kept away from the image of the character.


There are no references to other films on this poster. This means that this could be a directors first film or that it is not like any other film available
Main image:
The main image is of the main actress in character form.

Tagline/cultural references:

There are no cultural references however there is a tagline - "Live, love and give as good as you get."

Website: There is no website on this particular poster.

Critics praise:

There is critics praise on this poster. There are ratings from three newspapers - The Daily Telegraph, The Times and The Independent. There are also words and ratings from three critics - Jonathon Dean, Total Film (film reviews, news, etc.), Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian (newspaper) and Anna Smith, Elle (fashion magazine, news, etc.)

Title size/font/colour:

The title is much bigger than the rest of the writing, the colour of the title is blue which matches some of the other writing and the font is fairly generic.

Billing/Production Block:

There is a generic billing/production block used and is a different colour to most of the writing.

Image background:

The image of the main character is most likely layered onto an image of the girls bedroom.

Drawn imagery:

There is no main drawn imagery, however there is a heart which looks drawn on but it's hard to tell as it might actually be part of the photo.

Age certification:

There is an age certificate of (15) as the film contains strong language, sex and sex references.

Release date:

There is no release date advertised on the poster.

Representation & Genre:

The genre of this film is most likely social realism. We can tell this by the way the girl looks (her costume/props/make up) and the setting she is in - run down flat or bedroom, wallpaper is ripped off the walls etc. The picture as a whole doesn't look fake or modified, it looks like real life, again backing up the idea of this film being in the social realism genre.

The main group that is most likely to be represented through this movie poster is most likely young females (aged 14-19) and possibly, judging by her costume and setting, working class/under class people. This means that the film poster might attract young girls or people who might be in the same situation/class as the girl in the poster.

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