29 November 2013

Title Style - Kazumi

As we still haven't managed to get our photos for our poster, I'm thinking about font and style for our title again.

Here's what I came up with.

Because my previous font was too thin and weak, which won't be able to catch people's eyes, this time I used bold and Serif font to make it stronger.

However, I thought only bold is too strong, solid and which doesn't fit to our style, I scratched out the black fill with 1px eraser to make it look much softer.

The font I used is from Photoshop, and all manipulated in Photoshop as well.

27 November 2013

Review Template - Kazumi

I have completed the review template and so looked for an image that might be going to display on the page.
Here's screenshot from our film.

I chose this image because I think it has the best composition and also because this is the only one when the main characters are in the same frame.

26 November 2013

Little White Lies Conventions & Technical Details- Kazumi

Document Size
H: 245mm
W: 195mm

Column Size
H: 524mm
W: 107mm

Title - Century Gothic
Main body - Aparajita
"REVIEW" - MS Yahai

Little White Lies Analysis - Jarrad

25 November 2013

24 November 2013

Poster draft - Jarrad

As you can see this is a very rough idea of what I would like the poster to look like. I was thinking about putting the title, actors and other text in the sky as there is nothing there. The two main actors (the dad) is on the right (the son is on the left). As you can see the son is faded out, which is a hint towards his death (he is a ghost). I have also a path which splits into two which is a nice addition as it shows that they are crossing paths however, we would need to find a proper image of this and the actors.

21 November 2013

Draft Poster - Kazumi

As we don't have any photo to use for the poster right now, I used google image instead. These will be all taken with the proper camera.

Here's my poster idea.

Version 1: 
Version 2:

We're still thinking about our title so this is just an idea of the composition, sizing, spacing and font.

Joining the Scenes - Kazumi

As our individual editing is done, we put everything together in one sequence.

The length of our film is......... 3:50!!!!
Here's the clip of what we've done so far.

We now need to add more shots to the sequence & some sounds also need to be added.

Editing Problems - Kazumi

We had the idea of using the overlay technique on the phone screen as well as the football scene but I just found out it doesn't work with moving image. 
The beginning of the scene is fine but when the character starts to move his hands, the image (of the game) stays on the same place.


Also there is the same problem on library scene as well.
For this scene, there are other problems with the character's head & unfixed camera. His head is in the way so the overlay technique doesn't work & because the camera is slightly moving, overlaid image looks odd in the scene.
However it worked well on the other shot so we're going to use this shot instead the over shoulder shot.


It worked very well on football scene.
In this image, there was a problem with overlapping the TV frame.
I used Distort Tool rather than select tool.

This allows me to change the shape of the image.
It fit very well on TV screen at the end.

19 November 2013

Research of Film Posters - Eden Lake (Jarrad)

Eden Lake (2008)

This is the film poster for a film called "Eden Lake." The film is about a young couple, who refuse to let anyone ruin their romantic weekend, face a gang of youths with brutal consequences.

Names of actors/actresses:

There are two names, 
an actress (Kelly Reilly) and an actor (Michael Fassbender). They are understated on the poster, however the actress is featured on the poster, quite enlarged in her character self.

Main text vs. Image:

The main text is kept away from the main images. They are in the "dead space" of the poster, which means that it isn't blocking out anything or anyone important.

There is a reference to another film on this poster, it says - "From the producer of The Descent" which suggests to people who have seen The Descent, what type of film this is.

Main image:

The main image is of the main character as mentioned before - however we can also see other dark figures in the poster too, suggesting that they have or play an important role in this film.

Tagline/cultural references:

There are no cultural references, however there is a tagline stating: "They wanted to get away from it all, instead they found...". This tagline creates a mystery of sorts as it doesn't tell the audience what they actually found, making them have to actually watch the film.


There was no website that I could see on this poster.

Critics praise:

There is one critics praise on this poster. It is a review and a rating of the film made by Empire (film review magazine). It states "One of the most provocative and terrifying thrillers of the year." and there is a rating of five stars.

Title size/font/colour:

The title is bigger than the rest of the writing, it is also the colour red which could symbolise to the audience that this film is about danger, violence or blood. The font is also sans serif which means that it is bold (making it stand out to people) and easy to read.

Billing/Production Block:

The billing/production block is very generic, doesn't have much of a similarity with the title as such however it is the same colour and font as the rest of the writing.

Image background:

The main image is placed over a photographic setting of a woodland area. This helps the audience to identify the genre of this film because of the conventions of the poster.
Drawn imagery:
There is no drawn imagery on this poster. This might symbolise that this film is serious or that it is not necessary to have any.

Age certificate & release date:
There is an age certificate (15) but it's very hard to read. However, there is no release date.

Representation:From this poster the representation of the female looks like the stereotypical protagonist. This is because of the way she is positioned in the poster. For example, it looks as if she is hiding from the antagonists in the poster. Going to the antagonists (the other figures in the poster), shows that they are also living up to the stereotype of an antagonist. Their posture shows that they might be dangerous and the dark silhouettes of them, shows mystery and suspense - which adds to the conventions of this genre: thriller.

Research of Film Posters - Fish Tank (Jarrad)

Fish Tank (2009):

This is the film poster for a short film called "Fish Tank". The film is about a girl whose life is changed when her mum brings home a new boyfriend. 

Names of actors/actresses:

There are three actors and actresses on the film poster. They are fairly understated or not easily identifiable on the poster. The first name from these three - Katie Jarvis - is the actress of the main character who is seen on the poster.

Main text vs. Image:

The main text is kept away from the image of the character.


There are no references to other films on this poster. This means that this could be a directors first film or that it is not like any other film available
Main image:
The main image is of the main actress in character form.

Tagline/cultural references:

There are no cultural references however there is a tagline - "Live, love and give as good as you get."

Website: There is no website on this particular poster.

Critics praise:

There is critics praise on this poster. There are ratings from three newspapers - The Daily Telegraph, The Times and The Independent. There are also words and ratings from three critics - Jonathon Dean, Total Film (film reviews, news, etc.), Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian (newspaper) and Anna Smith, Elle (fashion magazine, news, etc.)

Title size/font/colour:

The title is much bigger than the rest of the writing, the colour of the title is blue which matches some of the other writing and the font is fairly generic.

Billing/Production Block:

There is a generic billing/production block used and is a different colour to most of the writing.

Image background:

The image of the main character is most likely layered onto an image of the girls bedroom.

Drawn imagery:

There is no main drawn imagery, however there is a heart which looks drawn on but it's hard to tell as it might actually be part of the photo.

Age certification:

There is an age certificate of (15) as the film contains strong language, sex and sex references.

Release date:

There is no release date advertised on the poster.

Representation & Genre:

The genre of this film is most likely social realism. We can tell this by the way the girl looks (her costume/props/make up) and the setting she is in - run down flat or bedroom, wallpaper is ripped off the walls etc. The picture as a whole doesn't look fake or modified, it looks like real life, again backing up the idea of this film being in the social realism genre.

The main group that is most likely to be represented through this movie poster is most likely young females (aged 14-19) and possibly, judging by her costume and setting, working class/under class people. This means that the film poster might attract young girls or people who might be in the same situation/class as the girl in the poster.