13 October 2013

10 short film research - Charlie


Director - Anthony Farquhar-Smith
Released - 2012

- This short film uses a linear structure to show the journey of the stick. The reason it is linear is to show the audience the message of the film - Sometimes life is not about the destination. It is about the journey. 

You could apply Todorov's 5 Stage theory  to this short film - 

Equilibrium - Lollies all in line following each other

Disruption - when the stick breaks free

Confrontation - The stick confronting the outside world and exploring freedom

Resolution - The stick finding it's way back to another lolly

New Equilibrium - All the lollies are following each other again

- This film is also filmed using Stop Motion. This technique allows stationary objects to come alive. 

- The non-diagetic music playing through the film also highlights this message. The music starts as dull and mundane, however when the stick becomes free the music changes to uplifting and happy. At the end of the short film the stick returns to a different lolly and the music changes back to dull and mundane. 

One could think that the message behind the music is that when following suit and doing what your told you will never be happy - however when you are free your journey begins and you can truly come alive. 

- What I love about this film is that there is no talking or speech. The music and pace of the film tells the audience all they need and allows them to interpret this film for themselves. This is definitely something I will think about when it comes to planning.


  1. Charlie - you need to change the heading here. These are not reviews, but analyses of short films! There is a big difference, as you're not judging these films as a consumer, but analysing them to explain how they are constructed, and what the reasons for this are. You are applying theory as an A Level Media student. In addition, this is not good blogging, as you should know from AS. You need to embed the film, and insert images from the film, as well as provide detailed bullet point notes applying and referring to key concepts. You are right to discuss what you like and are inspired by, but there must be more analysis in addition to that. As I've said before, look at level 4 examples via my blog or Andrew's. This is currently level 1 work and must be improved immediately. I can't give you any more time after this week to improve this work as you've already had far longer than I would normally expect to allow.

  2. I don't know why the embedding didn't work? And ok - I will try to improve them all and have them up by the end of the week.
